Авторские разработки С++ MFC

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Русский вариант


arrow1.gif (529 bytes)About
arrow1.gif (529 bytes)Setup
arrow1.gif (529 bytes)Licens(Russian)
arrow1.gif (529 bytes)Features
arrow1.gif (529 bytes)FAQ
arrow1.gif (529 bytes)Description

Setup of SendMail

This program made for use under Windows 95 and above. Any special setup isn't needed. Your can copy program files to your compyter and use it.
Next files you can take in archive:

SENDMAIL.EXE  - main program
SENDMAIL.INI      - Settings
READ_ME.TXT    - description
SENDMAIL.CNT  - help (russian)
SENDMAIL.HLP  - help (russian)

If you don't know Russian you can see remarks in Settings file and use /? start switch for little description of parameters. If you have any question about Licens agreement and you arn't in Russia you can mail to progcpp@narod.ru

Download:  sendmail.zip     (150 Kb)

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