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This Program Sends One or More File(s) by E-mail without Аny Post Program

SendMail version 1.53 (Free)

SendMail connects directly to the pointed SMTP server, makes a message with pointed file's attachment and sends it to the server. This program designed for sending  mail from computer connected to Internet  where isn't post client like a OutLook, Exhange etc. installed. It worked from command prompt only. It can send more then one file by different messages. It can send all files from one directory.

Download:  sendmail.zip  (150 Kb)

You can write your opinion about this program in  www.listsoft.com - programs , or in this place Отзывы.

published in:
www.listsoft.ru - Каталог программ Баннерик SoftList Каталог интернет ресурсов freeSOFT SERVER

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